
Raheeq Sponsors

2024 / 1445

Jazakum Allahu Khairan for sponsoring the Raheeq Qur’an Competition event.Your sponsorship will help us in recognizing and celebrating those who learn the Qur’an.We ask Allah swt to bless you and add barakah into your business, Allahumma Ameen!

Raheeq Donors
2024 / 1445

Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your donation which will help us in recognizing and celebrating those who learn the Qur’an. We ask Allah swt to bless you, your family and put barakah into your business. We ask Allah swt to accept your donation as an on-going charity “Sadaqah Jariyah” and make your scale of good deeds heavy in the day of judgement, Allahumma Ameen!

DR. Dalia Abdellatif

DR. Saif Alizzi

Akram Said

Hoda Salman