“The best amongst you are those who learn Quran and teach it”
Memorization of the Holy Quran is one of the greatest achievements a Muslim can accomplish in his/her life. There is no such greater blessing in life than learning and memorizing the book of Allah (SWT) by heart.
Ijazah means that a participant will be provided a certificate with a continuous narration chain (Sanad) that starts from the teacher and ends to prophet Mohammad (PBUH). Certificates should state that the participant has completed the memorization of Holy Qur’an, and he/she is qualified and fully authorized to deliver this (Sanad) to others.

Course Requirements
To attain Ijazah;
- Participant should have completed the memorization of the entire Quran
- Participant should have read the entire Qur’an (Khatma) at least once with the teacher to review and correct any minor mistakes before the final Khatma
- Participant MUST finish this program in a period of time, no longer than five years
- Participant MUST complete the theoretical Tajweed course and pass the final test
- Participant will have to take an assessment test after each third of Qur’an (10 Juz’a), so he/she is allowed either to continue or repeat this level
- Participant should pass the final test of the entire Qur’an with a minimum of 80%

At this moment, the only qualified teacher currently available to give Ijazah for both men and women is Sh. Abdul Rahman Aldiyah.
Registration is closed
- PLAN A – one-on-one class – 1/2 hour once a week – $65 /month
- PLAN B – one-on-one class – 1/2 hour twice a week – $110 /month
- PLAN C – one-on-one class – 1/2 hour three times a week – $170 /month